The "ONE" the "ONLY" the "FIRST" Wildman Home Page
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As a small child from Cleveland I always got into things.
My name is John! I was born in Cleveland, Ohio on May 17, 1952. For a long time while I was growing up till I could start to remember things, I always heard my Mon & Dad say everytime they look at me while I was doing something I either should be for my age or I was doing something I should not be doing. I could always him them say; awwwwwwwwww look at what the little stinker is into now!!
As I got older, the typewriter played a role in my life.
I always like to set in front of my typewriter for long periods of time and write songs and poems that never seemed to get out to the public like I wanted. But I always had a wall full of songs & pomes that might of made it big back then if I did turn them in and not monkey around typing all the time.
Then from the typewriter, I flew into the COMPUTER age!!
I have found out over time I still love to type but it seems that with the new age and the typewriter being out dated and replaced by a Keyboard, a mouse, and a screen, I just can not seem to pull myself away from this thing. I get on it when I get up at 7:00am!! Then turn it off at 7:45am to go to work. Then like a magnet it calls me to turn it back on as soon as i walk through the door at 5:45pm! It has control over me some people have told me. I find myself glued to the screen to see all the places I can go to on the net, and how much "CRAP" I can download in one setting. Then around 3:00am I find myself running out of steam to push the keys or the mouse around and I slowly drift off to sleep. Only to start over again the very next day. So what do you think? Am I hooked on it or what??
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Coming soon!!! More to my Home Page.
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